Free Linkedin Premium giveaway 🎉 for 6 months(only for students)
Hey everyone I am sharing a giveaway for 6 monthly LinkedIn premium subscription giveaway. So please fill out the form to be part of the giveaway🎉
♦Form link:
♦Last date: 21/11/2022 10:00 am
As we know, we can quickly get job opportunities and learning resources after the LinkedIn premium subscription. It can also be useful in these ways.
- InMail
- See more profiles when you search
- Premium search filters
- See expanded profile views
- Profile organizer
- Saved search alerts
- Allow anyone to message you with OpenLink and many more.
So please fill out the form to be part of the giveaway. The redemption link is shared in your email on 21/11/2022 at 11:00 am.
Note This giveaway is only for students studying at college.